Building a blog and making it profitable is one of the most difficult things to do, but I’m going to show you how with ConvertKit.
Hi there! My name is Jason and in today’s article, we’re going to be talking about how you can start your own blog using ConvertKit which will help grow it into a successful business.
Starting a blog can seem like an intimidating process. There are so many things that you need to take into consideration, and the idea of spending hours crafting articles just isn’t something people enjoy doing in their leisure time!
It is important to have a system in place that will help you get results. That is why ConvertKit was created. It is an automated marketing platform for bloggers and solopreneurs.
It has everything from email capture tools with autoresponder sequences to blog analytics so you can see what posts are performing best-all without the stress of managing your own list or subscriber database.
It also provides tools designed specifically for marketers such as segment audiences in order generate leads from social media channels without having our own marketing teams—and finally it integrates tightly w/ Facebook ads making posting consistent & easy across all platforms including mobile.
So no more guesswork when trying reach new followers. It doesn’t take much work at all, just follow these simple steps that are super easy and convertkit will do the rest for you.
Now let’s see in detail the 10 steps to follow.
- Install ConvertKit
In order install Convert Kit, you need a WordPress site that has been activated on at least one of your blog pages with no other plugins installed yet (so it won’t mess anything up). Once done installing from within your dashboard- go ahead and activate this conversion optimization tool by clicking “Activate Now”. It’s super easy!
- Create a blog and domain name
You can have a beautiful website and blog to share your passion with the world. You just need an idea, some time on your hands (and maybe not too much money!), then off you go!
The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating content for blogs or websites in order to make them interesting reviews that will keep readers busy from the beginning to the end.
There’s also nothing stopping anyone who wants their own personal space online other than simply deciding this might be something worth trying out before putting forward anything else into consideration so give yourself permission now because there really isn’t anything holding back.
- Write your first post
Some of the first words that come to mind when you think about writing are “punky” or maybe even sexy. Nonetheless, this is not just a simple task and it takes more than intuition for good content creation skills with such an extensive topic at hand- there’s research involved!
Always start a new blog post with an attention-grabbing headline. Make the first sentence of your article catchy, informative and exciting to read!
- Add social media integration to your blog’s sidebar or footer so you can easily share new content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
The first step to making your blog more engaging is by adding social media integration. This can be done in a few different ways: you could have it as an easy-to-find button at the bottom of each post or on one’s sidebar so they’re never too far from fresh content, whether shared online through email newsletters etc.; alternatively (and more importantly) share new posts via Twitter and other networks because people want updates quickly!
- Set up an email list with ConvertKit that includes signup forms for the blog and other related resources/products you offer (e-book, webinar)
With ConvertKit you can create an email list that includes signup forms for the blog and other related resources/products. This will help increase your digital footprint, as well as provide more opportunities to market yourself!
- Make sure all of your contact information is listed in the “About” section of your website so people know how to reach out to you if they have any questions or comments about what you’re writing about on the blog
You are writing a blog post about the cheapest way to travel around the world for example, but there’s no way for people who visit your blog to contact you. This can be an issue because nobody wants spam or annoying messages from somebody else! Make sure that all of the necessary information is listed in “About” section so they know how to send comments on what kind thoughts you truly have at this moment (and don’t worry – it won’t happen often)!
- Edit each post after it has been published.
The input tone should be suitable and this will lead readers through all the steps in an engaging way that leaves them wanting more! Good job, you’re doing well so far with editing but remember not to overdo any one thing because people want their posts informative as well memorable – don’t get stuck between “informative” vs “interesting”.
- Add relevant keywords to each post so it can be found on search engines like Google or Bing
There are many ways to make your content more visible on search engines like Google or Bing. One of the most effective is by adding relevant keywords at beginning and end of each post so it can be found quickly when somebody searches for those terms!
The easiest way I’ve found in awhile was using this program called “Keyword Shuffle.” It allows you generate new article ideas based off pre-made templates with just one click – no need go through all my old blog posts again looking up words.
- Interact with other bloggers in the same niche as you for collaborations or guest posts on their blogs- this will help grow both of your audiences at the same time! (This includes commenting on their posts)
Bloggers are always looking for new partners, so don’t be afraid to reach out! You never know what could happen if you give someone a chance. Plus, it will help both of your audiences grow at the same time – who wouldn’t want that?
- Participate in blogging events such as contests, giveaways, or conferences- these all give you opportunities to connect with others.
A successful blog is one that gets comments from readers! Don’t just post once then leave them on their own devices; engage them by commenting when they write back expressing interest/concerns.
Contact other bloggers through Twitter DM’s (Don’t forget hashtags!). Make sure followers know what kind of content works best for YOU before subscribing so much time can go into crafting perfect Tweets instead.
In a nutshell, If you’re looking for a way to get more customers and sell higher- ticket products, then ConvertKit might be just what your business needs.
The software is easy enough that anyone can install it in a few minutes.
With its drag & drop interface users won’t ever face any frustration when trying new campaigns against their site (or Facebook).
You can grow your blog into an online success story with ConvertKit. By following these EASY steps, you will be able to create a successful blog that converts visitors into subscribers and eventually customers.
And you, have you ever tried it? Would you recommend it or would you like to test it?
Remember that you can try this tool directly by clicking here.
Let me know in the comments what you think and if you have any doubts or questions write to me and I’ll get back to you soon.
See you in the next article!
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